15 places for budget makeovers
creating a space you love doesnt have to break the bank!
Here are 15 of our favorite places to find second hand building supplies and furniture for your next DIY project.
Habitat for humanity restores
check your area for a restore. ours has paint, tools, and loads of furniture.
Local reclaimed building material shops
save a piece of history!
local thrift shops
get to know when new items come in and when mark downs happen so you can get the best things at the best prices.
facebook marketplace
lots of good finds local to you.
estate sales
not only are you getting well made vintage materials that will last a long time, but you’re saving them from going to the landfill
the side of the road treasures
keep your eyes open, you never know what you’ll find.
self-storage auctions
its a gamble on what you might find, but can be worth it!
diy friends
ask your local diy besties if they have any scrap material you can take off their hands.
nextdoor app
live auctions, in person and online
hotel surplus outlets
brand name outlet stores or clearance sites
chain thrift stores
Now this is not an exhaustive list, but its all the places we like to search for our projects. I hope it helps you on your next project!