My home isn’t the only thing we’ve been renovating lately.  I present to you, the new era of House of Esperanza.  Change is inevitable.  If you are not changing, you are not growing.  From its infancy, I knew this little space I was carving out for us could turn into something bigger than me.  And I think, no… I know, that time has come.
HofE is coming into its own and is ready for a new look.  My goal is to provide a beautiful place on the internet that you look forward to visiting, where you follow along with the projects, and where we can keep it real with all the in between.
In the last year I have grown from a one person content creating team, to a powerhouse CORPORATION made up of talented individuals.  Together, we are taking HofE to never before seen places in this industry.
Hope still lives here. That will never change.



Functional and Space Saving Entryway