My Simple Trick For Making Cotton T-Shirts Soft

baking soda and white vinegar in bottle for laundry
The way your clothes feel against your skin can really affect how you feel throughout the day. I've had a lot of stiff, uncomfortable cotton t-shirts that I've collected over the years, and I finally figured out a way to make them wearable. With a little bit of research and experimentation, I was able to find a method that worked for me and hopefully it'll work for you too!
distilled white vinegar and baking soda for your laundry

Vinegar & Baking Soda Wash


  • Baking soda

  • Distilled white vinegar

  • Large bowl

  • Stiff 100% cotton t-shirts (or blend that is mostly cotton)


  1. 1 tbsp of baking soda in large bowl.

  2. Slowly pour 1 cup of vinegar into the bowl, its going to fizz. A lot. stir to dissolve.

  3. (For top loader) Start your washing machine on a rinse cycle and pour the solution into the drum with the water.

    (For front loader) pour the solution straight into drum before adding t’shirts.

  4. Do not add detergent or any other solutions. no fabric softener. nothing.

  5. Add t-shirts.

  6. Dry as normal.

washer machine laundry hack

I immediately felt a difference in stiffness and feel of the cotton.
So far, this has not had an effect on any of my t-shirts with prints or graphics.
Now go, bring out those old but brand new concert and sports team t's you've been saving just for this.
stack of folded t shirts

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